Who We Are

Who is Unidos Latino Association, Inc.?


We are a 501(c) (3) non-profit cultural organization established in Conyers, GA, August 2016. Formally recognized on December 13, 2016 with a proclamation from the Rockdale County Board of Commissioners and a proclamation from the Mayor of the City of Conyers on October 03, 2021 for engaging the community in the celebration of Hispanic American contributors through a day-long opportunity for the community to explore our cultural traditions. This event is known as the annual Conyers Latin Festival 


Our Mission


Unidos Latino Association educates and equips Rockdale and Newton County’s Latino youth and adults with resources, knowledge, skills, and support to enable them to be thriving members of the community. We also promote awareness in the community of the strengths that Latinos bring.


Our Commitment


We are committed to educating, empowering, advocating and connecting Hispanic/Latino families and others. To develop programs to assist community members that may be underserved. We advocate for the rights of the Hispanic/Latino families, for those with no voice or knowledge!

Learn About Unidos Latino Association and the Women Who Founded It


Awards & Recognition


Meet the Team


Rebeca Gibbons

Co-Founder / CEO
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Delicia Durant

Co-Founder / Chief Operating Officer

Vielka Cox


Lisbeth Perez-Cox

Assistant Secretary

Magally Taylor


Mauricio Brewster

Community Food Pantry Liaison